This paper provides an econometric assessment on the effect of structural re- forms on the growth of eIectricity industry in China from the perspectives of competition, ownership and regulations. The empirical results show that, (a) the competition, ownership reform and regulation policy have all improved productivity, thereby contribute to the rapid growth of the industry. In particular, the effect of ownership reform is more significant than others; (b) during the period of 1999 to 2010, the reforms account for 9.37% of the indusi- al growth, and this contribution has risen from 7. 200//00 in the initial stage, which is from 1999 to 2004, to 10.67% in the deepening stage, which is from 2005 to 2010. The results are robust to different models combined by various performance and reform variables, and have very important policy implications for further reforms in the electricity industry.