The data of (J = 1 - 0) lines of 12^CO,13^CO and C^18O were taken simultaneously by using 13.7m millimeter telescope of Qinghai station of Purple Mountain Observatory at Delingha. The mapped 11 isolated star-forming molecular cores were selected from Spitzer's c2d Legacy program. The maps for one source cover the same range, at the boundary the intensity of 13^CO(J = 1 - 0) equals its half peak value. The optical depth, excitation temperature and column density are calculated. The volume density, local thermodynamic equilibrium(LTE)-mass (MLTE) and Virial-mass(MviR) are derived for each core. The ratio of MVIR to MLTE is 0.84 ± 0.38 for 13^CO(J = 1 - 0) cores and 0.76 ± 0.32 for C^18O(J = 1 - 0) cores. In the most of the cores, the intensities of 13^CO(J = 1 - 0) lines are equal to or even lower than that of ClSo(J = 1 - 0) lines because of the self-absorption of 13^CO(J = 1 - 0) lines. The asymmetrical spectra of L723, L778, L1152, L1082A and L1165 show that the cores are collapsing and are in the very early stage of star formation. We estimate the density profiles for most of the cores except CB224 and CB230 for unavailable C^18O(J = 1-0) data. The density profile is about γ^-1.3 with the index of 1.3, which is smaller than 2 for the theoretical value. The correlation between the luminosity values and the masses of the cores shows that these cores are at a similar stage of star formation. The ratio of LIR/MLTE is 0.04 for 13^CO(J = 1 - 0) and 0.12 for CISO(J = 1 - 0) while it is typically 4 for massive star forming region. This is probably because that 13^CO(J = 1 - 0) and C^18O(j = 1 - 0) are not ideal dense molecular tracers, and the cores defined by them are larger than the real star forming regions.