During the surveillance of H9N2 subtype influenza viruses isolated between 20,07 to 2010, we found that the HgN2 viruses isolated after 2008 displayed higher virulence to embryonated eggs through the analysis,ofmean death time (MDT). So, nine isolates with different MDT between 60.5 and 96.3 hours were selected to study their pathogenicity in Chickens, and the results showed that the pathogenicity was consistent with the MDT.The virus with higher virulence in embryonated eggs also showed higher pathogenicity in chickens, and caused systemic infection. Furthermore, the period of shedding of infectious challenge virus was longer, in the higher virulence virus infected group. All the data indicated that the virulence of some recently epidemic H9N2 viruses was enhanced, which suggested that the genetic and pathogenic variation of H9N2 viruses should be closely monitored.