通过研究一个具有代表性的UML/MARTE(unified modeling language/modeling and analysis of real time and embedded systems)模型向FIACRE(intermediate format for the architectures of embedded distributed components)形式模型的转换实例,探讨了异构模型之间在语义和语法层的相互转换问题.在语义层,通过模型转换技术构造语义映射规则,实现元语言之间的转换;在语法层,通过构造元模型的具体语法,反映元语言的语法规则,从而产生目标模型的程序实体.基于此实例研究,探讨了通用转换途径的相关框架和关键技术,并讨论了转换工作的优缺点和实用性.
This paper presents a representative case study of bridging UML/MARTE (unified modeling language/ modeling and analysis of real time and embedded systems) to FIACRE (intermediate format for the architectures of embedded distributed components), and discusses in detail two sub-problems of semantic mapping and syntactic transformation respectively. At the semantic level, the semantic mapping rules are developed using model transformation technology so as to implement the transformation between metamodels. At the syntactic level, the concrete syntax rules are built on the metamodels so that textual programs could be generated. Based on the case study, the general framework and corresponding key techniques are discussed. In addition, both the advantages and deficiencies of the work are concluded.