Group-buying(GB) website is a very popular online platform for sellers offering products/service with discount in recent years. This paper builds an analytical model for sellers selling on GB website to make optimal decisions on pricing and setting deal size based on a typical GB deal structure. With a view of the cost, the re- quirement of minimum deal size and the interactions between GB website and offline market, it provides manage- rial insights for the seller on whether to set a cap on the deal size and how to set the maximum deal size with com- bination of pricing. We first derive three optional strategies for sellers under varying exogenous conditions. We show that it may be optimal for the seller to set a maximum deal size limit even though there is no capacity limit. This upper bound of the deal size can be a strategic tool to shift customers from online to offline even if there is a customer loss. With the upper bound on deal size, we show that selling at a discounted price below cost or even for free can be an optimal strategy for sellers if the minimum deal size set by the GB site is not high. We also in- vestigate how the customers' transfer rate and the minimum deal size set by the GB website affect seller' s opti- mal selection on the GB deal. Comparing with the optimal strategy of selling through single offline channel, we derive conditions under which selling through GB website is better. It shows that selling through GB website is beneficial to sellers when there are enough new customers on the GB website and the overlap of customers be- tween GB website and offline channel is not large. This paper also provides suggestions for GB website on how to induce seller to offer deep discount on the GB deal including adjusting the GB sale fee and the minimum deal size.