Qian Haifeng, received Ph.D. in 2006 from Shanghai JiaoTong University. He is an associate professor at the Department of Computer Science and Technology of East China Normal University. Dr. Qian served as the publicity chair of 2011IEEE INFOCOMM-SCNC. Since 2006, he has authored or coauthored over 60 papers. His research interests include public key cryptography, lightweight security protocol design, and embedded network protocol, etc. Li Xiangxue, received Ph.D. in 2006 from Shanghai JiaoTong University. He then joined the School of Inforrmtion Security Engineering, Shanghai JiaoTong University. He is now an associate professor at the Department of Corrputer Scienceand Technology of East Chhna Norrml University. Since 2006, he has authored two books and authored or co-authored over 70 papers. His research interests include lightweight protocol design, and pseudorandom sequence ete. The corresponding author. E-mail: xxli@cs.ecnu.edu.cn Yu Yu, received Ph. D. in 2006 from Nanyang Technological University. He then joined the Tsystem Lab, Singapore, and the UCL crypto group, Belgium, during four successive years. He is now an associate professor at the Departmentof Computer Science and Technology of East China Normal University. Dr. Yu has authored or co-authored over 20 papers, in ACM CCS 2010, Crypto 2011, Journal of Cryptology, and other international conferences. His research interests include leakage-resistant cryptography, side channel analysis and countermeasures, smart cart security, etc.