To apply the k - w model proposed by Li into common stellar environments, it's necessary to investigate the physical meanings of model parameters to confine their ' can impact the values. The research states that the variations of the model parameter % P@clet numbers, kinetic energies, typical time scales, and typical lengths of the turbulent increases, the damping rate of the turbulent kinetic flows. Besides, as model parameter c'μ energy in the overshooting zone below the base of convection zone can be accelerated. Both ' and the equivalent mixing length parameter a are proportional to the model parameter c'μthe efficiency of convective heat transfer in the convection zone, further investigation shows that their logarithms can satisfy a linear relation. There is also a linear relation between the logarithms of the model parameter c'μ and the damping index 0 of the turbulent kinetic energy in the convective overshooting zone. For the solar case, the following model param- eters are appropriate: c'μ= 0.004, c~ = 1.7.