The migration of karst underground fiver in the area of suspension simulation is always difficult. In practical ap- plications, due to the role of traditional settlement numerical model without suspension parameters of the reaction, usually only consider the generalization of suspended particles in the underground river in the river by using one - dimensional water quality prediction model, the lack of other methods for effective verification. This paper combines experiment and numerical simula- tion, laboratory experiments on the transport of suspended solids in pipes under different diameters and initial concentrations are designed, the feasibility of the equivalent substitute of the one - dimensional steady - state water quality model settlement coefficient in a numerical model with similar preliminary investigation mechanism is presented, coupled with mud in guangxi karst area library engineering build specific adsorption coefficient and subsidence coefficient under the condition of isoparametric alternative relations, finally the isoparametric alternative numerical model used in the karst area rivers suspended solids transport simulation, the numerical results show that the numerical model with equ!valent parameters is more reasonable than one - dimensional steady - state water quality model. This study enriches the suspension of karst underground river transport simulation method.