The optical properties of mineral particles suspended in seawater were calculated based on the Mie theory for different slopes of Junge-Type size distribution and complex refractive indices. With the increase of parameter ρ, the attenuation and scattering efficiency undergoes a series of regularly decreasing oscillations, while the absorption efficiency simply increases; and the scattering and absorption efficiencies will tend to the limiting value of 1 for the strong absorbing particles. For the polydispersed mineral particles, the mass-specific scattering and backscattering coefficient is sensitive to the size distribution of particles, the small particles in diameter are the main contributors for the scattering and backscattering coefficient; and the influences of the real part and imaginary part of refractive index on the scattering and backscattering coefficient are also strong, stronger absorption will weaken scattering accordingly; the effects of size distribution on mass-specific absorption coefficient are also obvious, while the real part of the refractive index has less effects.