利用响应面法优化闪式提取滁菊总黄酮的最佳提取工艺。比较温浸法、超声波提取法和闪式提取法对滁菊总黄酮提取率的影响;在单因素试验基础上,采用响应面法对闪式提取溶剂浓度、料液比、提取时间进行优化,从而得到最佳的提取工艺条件。结果表明,闪式提取滁菊总黄酮最佳提取工艺为提取时间103 s,乙醇浓度62%,料液比1∶44,此条件下滁菊总黄酮提取率为6.90%。
To optimize flash-extraction process of total flavonoids from Chuzhou Chrysanthemum by response surface methodology. Soaking extraction, ultrasonic extraction and flash extraction were compared. Based on single factor experiments,extraction conditions, such as solvent concentration, liquid/material ratio and extraction time were optimized by response surface methodology. The results showed that the three extraction conditions could significantly affect flavonoid extraction. The optimized conditions were as follows: 62% of ethanol concentration, 44 ∶1 of liquid/material ratio, and extracting for 103 s,resulting in an extraction efficiency of 6.90% for flavonoids. As a conclusion, flash-extraction is an effective and efficient method to extract flavonoids from Chrysanthemum.