在土地制度转型和城市空间重构背景下,中国大城市的住宅用地开发区位与其空间关系发生明显变化。尽管已有研究开始关注在市场化背景下土地价格的时空演变规律和特征,但由于缺乏长时间序列的土地出让及其相关空间数据信息,该领域的研究尚处在起步阶段。基于投标租金模型的基本思想,运用GIS和计量统计等方法,从理论上探索了城市土地区位的开发机理与时空演变模式,并以北京市1992~2009年住宅用地3 400多个微观交易数据进行了实证研究。结论显示,在新兴土地市场国家,价格信号在土地区位配置及其空间结构塑造方面发挥出有效性。住宅用地出让价格随着城市中心距离增加而变化,表现出不均衡的空间形态。在交通条件改善、城市次中心的形成、以及城中村与小产权房等城市化现象影响下,北京住宅用地价格梯度变化规律与西方成熟国家城市有所差异,其投标租金曲线的空间演化呈现出波动、递增、递减等多种空间组合形态。
Transitions in the socio-economic environment have significant influences on reshaping the cities.While the western countries are undergoing post-urbanization changes,the transforming in Chinese urban land market can better reflect the trend of urban spatial reconstruction.In fact,dramatic socio-economic reforms in China are affecting the most Chinese cities' urban form since 1978.After that,the new approaches to land marketization widely spread to most Chinese cities,and ever since the late 1980s,Beijing municipal government has attempted to rationalize the previously planned urban land use distribution system by the way of economic reform measures.As the market economy has been established,Beijing′s residential land market has been booming during the periods with different land reform policy.While the Chinese urban land market reform has been the subject of much research in recent decades,recent literatures have paid attention to spatial features of land price in transitional Chinese cities,and in comparison to its counterparts in advanced market economies.Nonetheless,research on this issue has been limited by the lack of systematic data,especially spatial data,on land leasing parcels as well as other related data sources.This paper gives first attempt to add our understanding of the spatial variations of the residential land bid-rent function curve of the residential land market of a rapidly developing Chinese metropolis,Beijing—China's capital city,based on the Beijing Land Leasing Parcel Database.By employing about 3 400 residential land leasing parcel data from 1992 to 2009 within the 6th ring road of Beijing metropolitan area,the period when the land leasing market has largely been established,a mono-centric city's land bid-rent function model was established to quantitatively explore the spatio-temporal evolution of urban residential land development mode and its mechanism.Based on the empirical analysis,it can be observed that in the context of transformation and urban spatial reconstruction,pr