The management of the magnanimous spatial data needs the distributed cooperative GIS platform. In order to re- solve the service delay of classical decentralized but structured distributed hash table logical network structure and the mis- match between the overlay and physical network which becomes the obstacle in the way of building an effective peer- to- peer system in a large- scale environment, this paper proposed the poer-to-poer and cooperating computing hybrid discovering model of distributed geospatial information. Based on the SRDA and ordinary neighbor node, this model realized the automatic switch between centralized global spatial resources discovering model and centralized decentralized but structured distributed hash ta- ble model and automatically adjusted the logical network of spatial resources to improve performance. Based on the swaps of peers, this paper designed the algorithms that constructed the distributed hash table and decreased the delay. By discovering and performing the potential swaps that are beneficial to the match between overlay and physical network, it could reduce the average latency and improve the performance of the system. The experimental results show that the peer to peer and coopera- ting computing hybrid discovering model of distributed geospatial information has several benefits, such as avoiding network congestion and single point of failure, and improving the availability and reliability of geospatial data information and computa- tional resources.