在苗盘和大田条件下研究了接种丛枝菌根真菌对脱毒马铃薯菌根侵染率和产量的影响。在苗盘试验条件下,接种Glomus mosseae(BEGl67)和Glomus versiform肌(G.v)2种菌种。在灭菌土壤中,接种BEG167和G.v,脱毒马铃薯侵染率分别达到27%和32%;BEG167使组培脱毒苗移栽生成的微型薯产量比不接种处理增加54.2%。未灭菌土壤上接种BEG167和G.v.侵染率则分别为44%和27%,而对照的侵染率为22%;接种BEG167使组培脱毒苗移栽生成的微型薯产量比不接种处理增加25.2%;在灭菌和未灭菌土壤条件下,接种G.v均降低了组培脱毒苗移栽生成的微型薯产量。在大田试验条件下,采用混合菌种(BEG167+G.v,体积比1:1)作为接种剂。接种菌根菌剂使脱毒马铃薯侵染率由2l%提高到47%,薯块产量增加21%。上述结果证明,在苗盘和大田条件下,接种菌根真菌都能侵染马铃薯根部,并能增加产量。
The effect of inoculation of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi on colonization and yield of micro propagated potato seedlings were investigated under conditions of seedling plate and field. AM fungi of Glomus mosseae (BEG167) and Glomus versiform (G.v) were inoculated in seedling plate. The mycorrhizal colonization of micro propagated potato inoculated with BEG167 and G.v were 27% conditions; comparing to uninoculated controls, microtuber yield of and 32%, transplan respectively, under sterilized soil ts inoculated with BEG167 was increased by 54.2 % under sterilized soil condition. In unsterilized soil, mycorrhizal colonization were 44% and 27%, respectively, when BEG 167 and G.v were inoculated, while it was 22% for uninoculated control under seedling plate conditions. The yield of micro propagated potato inoculated with BEG167 was 25.2% higher than that of controls on unsterilized soil conditions. However, inoculation with G.v reduced the yield of microtuber in both sterilized and unsterilized soil. When mixed inoculums of BEG167 and G.v (V/V=I:I) were applied under filed conditions, the yield of microtuber was increased by 21%. It is concluded that inoculating with AM fungal inoculum in both seedling plate and field culture condition improved the yield of micro propagated potato.