To find the maximum shear stress distribution under different shear conditions, and to solve the problem that maximum shear force calculation accuracy is not high, and determining that the two axes of two eccentric rolling shear thinning blade shearing action was cut three rolling cut on the basis of the three stages, depending on the relationship between the shearing action and superimposed shear stage, it deduced three rolling shear shearing state; theoretical analysis and calculations reveal state under three shear cut distribution of power, given the location of the maximum shear stress occurs; the actual shear test, successfully verifies the existence of the real state of the three shear and verifies the distribution of shear forces under three shear state. Studies have shown that the width is cut rolling and rolling on the cutting edge with respect that the placement is not the same, and the shear force will present "peak", 'former low-high two peaks" and "high to low two peak "three distribution, and there are large differences arise position of the maximum shear stress, which i,s the premise and foundation conditions for maximum shear force calculations.