The discovery of decadal variability of North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and the introduction of Arctic oscillation (AO) concept have initiated a series 1990s. The progress and new findings of paleo-AO/NAO of paleo-AO/NAO related studies since the mid-to-late works after that time were comprehensively reviewed. The new results from the observations and modelings at four key timescales were summarized in detail : (1)the reconstruc- tions of the AO/NAO annual index over the past millennium; (2)the debate on AO/NAO' s trend since early Hol- ocene ; (3)the weakening of AO/NAO' s amplitude during the Last Glacial Maximum ; and (4)the anomalous positive phase of AO/NAO during the Last Interglacial. In addition, the possible mechanism for different timescales of AO/ NAO is also summarized. Furthermore, the distinction between AO/NAO' was mean state and amplitude, which were not explicitly separated in previous studies, were comprehensively discussed. Considering the current uncer- tainties related to paleo-AO/NAO studies, we encourage the community to search for more proxies having longer- than-10,000-year length with annual resolution around AO/NAO highly correlated regions. Another, we encourage long-term transient modeling on AO/NAO can be performed in order to improve our understanding of the dynamics and interaction between AO/NAO's high-frequency variability and the climatological background, so as to further improve AO/NAO' s predictability on global warming context.