N-亚硝胺化合物是一类新发现的饮用水消毒副产物,因其具有强致癌性而成为研究热点.本文以水体中痕量N-亚硝胺为对象,综述了近年来的富集及色谱分析测试方法,比较了不同富集技术如液液萃取、固相萃取和固相微萃取技术的优缺点及应用现状.其中GC技术灵敏度高、适用水体范围广,其灵敏度完全满足常见8种N-亚硝胺的分析检测;该方法的缺点是不适于直接分析挥发度低、热不稳定的N-亚硝胺.LC技术可直接分析某些气相色谱难以分析的极性强、挥发度低、分子量大及热不稳定的N-亚硝胺如N-亚硝基二苯胺(NDPh A),缺点是对质谱仪的灵敏度要求较高,当采用低分辨率的串联质谱仪检测复杂水体中亚硝胺时易出现假阳性结果.通过阐述气相色谱(GC)及液相色谱(LC)技术在水体N-亚硝胺测试中的应用,为精确分析水中N-亚硝胺含量提供方法参照.
N-nitrosamines have been identified as disinfection byproducts in the drinking water recently. The occurrence of nitrosamines in water has attracted research interests because many nitrosamines are potential carcinogenic substances. This review focuses on the sample pretreatment and instrumental analysis methods for the determination of trace nitrosamines in water. The advantages and shortcomings,as well as the applications of different preconcentration methods( i. e.liquid-liquid extraction,solid-phase extraction and solid-phase micro-extraction) were discussed.GC has proved to be a technique of high sensitivity and wide range application,and thus meets the need for the detection of eight most common nitrosamines. However,GC may not well apply to the direct analysis of thermally-unstable,non-volatile,or polar nitrosamines. These compounds could be appropriately analyzed by LC that allows for the direct analysis of such nitrosamines( e. g.N-nitrosodiphenylamine,NDPh A). However,LC requires higher sensitivity of mass spectrometer( MS). LC couplied to low-resolution tandem MS may be not sufficient for the detection of nitrosamines in complex matrix, and may yield fault positive results. The applications of gas chromatography( GC) and liquid chromatography( LC) were introduced for references on the methodological support for the determination of nitrosamines in water.