In order to solve problems of selection of different formulas, calculation model as well aswhether need to be decorated in layered soil and so on, in view of actual engineering applications, severalmain factors affecting the calculation accuracy of response displacement method were discussed based onsome specific examples in this paper. The examples include different calculation formulas for relativedisplacement of soil and shear stress recommended by codes, different methods for soil spring stiffnessdetermination, the differences between equivalent single layer soil and actual layered soil, and the choiceof load-structure models. The results show that there are large differences on soil relative displacement,shear stress and soil spring stiffness that calculated by different methods, which can cause remarkablydifferences in structure's internal force and deformation. Recommended formula should be carefullyused. In situation of an underground structure with beam-column system, the equivalent planar framemodel should be adopted firstly. Additionally, the actual layered soil should be used to complete the soilseismic response analysis when the response displacement method is employed.