提供一种新的解法,经过求解微分方程很简单地得到了与殷雯(物理学报52 1862)同样的结果.殷文通过精确求解含时量子体系,研究了在周期耦合驱动下电子在两量子阱中的受迫振荡,不仅得到了一般情况下的振荡公式,而且特别讨论了在w=0情况下电子布居数的演化行为.
The oscillation of electron between two quantum wells has been studied by exactly solving the time-dependent Schrodinger equation( Acta Phys. Sin. 52 1862). The oscillation behaviour for a general case was given and the case for w = 0 was specially discussed. In this paper, we obtained the same solution more simply for the w = 0 case using a new method.