Although Ti-V and Ti Nb binary systems are subjected to many investigations, there remain some issues open for discussion, among which are the lattice parameter misfit and phase boundary between the non-equilibrium ω and β phases. On the other hand, the experimental elastic moduli of the non-equilibrium phases are rarely reported due to the difficulty of the measurement. In this paper, the lattice parameters, bulk moduli and phase stabilities of α(α'), ω, and β phases of binary Ti V(Nb) alloys are investigated by the use of first-principles exact Muffin Tin orbital method in combination with coherent potential approximation. It is shown that, with the increase in the V content, the lattice parameter aα of the cα(α') phase decreases, whereas cα/aα slightly increases; aω and cω/aω of the ω phase and aβ of the β phase decrease. For Ti-Nb alloy, with increasing Nb content, aα keeps almost unchanged whereas cα/aα increases; aω increases and cω/aω deceases; aβ does not change significantly. The lattice parameter misfit between the w andβ phases increases with increasing V or Nb content. Both V and Nb harden the bulk modulus of Ti and improve the phase stability of the phase relative to the α(α') and ω phases. The theoretical predictions are compared in detail with the available experimental data.