基于ARF(Auto Rate Fallback)协议与反向信道估计机制,提出了一种基于IEEE802.11基本机制的Wi-Mesh网络混合速率控制协议HRC(Hybrid Rate Control)。HRC协议避免了节点在信道处于稳定状态时提高数据帧发送速率,通过反向信道估计机制可以实时地调整节点数据帧发送速率匹配信道质量的快速变化,从而达到更好的系统性能。仿真结果表明:HRC协议较ARF协议可以提高数据帧发送成功率,提高无线带宽的利用率。
A new HRC (hybrid rate control) algorithm for Wi-Mesh Network based on ARF protocol and reverse channel estimation mechanism is proposed.In HRC algorithm,the transmission rate would not be raised when the channel state is stable,and could be adjusted under good condition when the channel state changes fast.Thus the system could gain better performance.The simulation results show that HRC protocol could raise the success probability of data-frame sending and improve the efficiency of wireless spectrum as compared with ARF protocol.