酒精滥用和成瘾是一个严重的社会问题,也是一个重要的生物医学问题。神经精神药理学和神经分子生物学研究表明,酒精滥用和成瘾不仅与中枢神经系统的神经递质及其相关的受体有关,而且,受体后的信号转导通路参与了酒精依赖的形成过程。其中包括环磷酸腺苷(cAMP)-蛋白激酶A(PKA)、磷脂酰肌醇(pI)、Ca^2+ -钙调蛋白(CAM)、磷脂酶D(PLD)以及酪氨酸激酶Fyn等信号途径。本文对介导酒精滥用和成瘾的受体后信号转导通路的研究进展予以综述。
Alcohol abuse and addiction is not only a severe social problem, but also an important biological medical issue. Studies in neuropsychopharmacology and molecular neurobiotogy indicate that neuro-transmitters and its receptors play important roles in alcohol abuse and addiction, and post-receptor signal transduetion pathways, including cyclic adenosine 3', 5'-monophosphate (cAMP)-protein kinase A (PKA), phosphoinositide (PI), Ca^2+ -calmodulin (CAM), phospholipase D (PLD) and tyrosine kinase Fyn signaling cascade. In this review, works on post-receptor signal transduction involved in alcohol addiction are systematically presented and summarized.