实施水功能区限制纳污红线管理,控制陆域范围污染物排放总量,是保障水功能区水质达标的根本途径。针对现有水功能区划分及管理偏重考虑水体自然属性和完整性,缺乏与行政区划、陆域污染源分布的衔接,提出以水功能区划分成果为基础,综合考虑自然水系、行政区划、污染源分布情况的陆域控制单元划分方法,在此基础上,利用GIS空间分析建立水功能区与陆域控制单元的响应关系,制定基于水功能区纳污能力的陆域污染物限制排放总量方案。以攀枝花市河段为例,将攀枝花市划分为15个控制单元,19个控制子单元进行限制排污总量计算及分配,攀枝花全市COD、氨氮限制排放总量分别为17 437.6 t/a、1 866.0 t/a,与攀枝花市污染物总量控制规划成果基本一致。
Implementing pollution receiving redline management and controlling pollutant amount in land area were considered as essential way to ensure water quality standards. The natural attribute and integrity of catchment were overemphasized in water function zoning and management, resulted in lack of connection with administrative division and distribution of pollution sources. Aiming at this problem, the technical route of the control unit division were proposed based on delineation of water function. By considering catchment characteristics, administrative division and distribution of pollution sources, the relationship between water function zone and control unit was established with GIS. Depending on above method, the total control pollutant amount in each control unit was carried out based on permissible pollution bearing capacity of water function zone. The method was applied to Panzhihua reach as a study case. The whole watershed was ultimately divided into 15 control units and 19 control subunits. Furthermore, the total control pollutant amount of COD and ammonia nitrogen was evaluated 17 437.6 t per year and 1 866.0 t per year. The result show fine consistency with pollutant amount control program adopted by local environmental authorities.