丛枝菌根真菌(arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi,AMF)与大多数植物共生可增强植株对病原菌的抗性,而茉莉酸(jasmonic acid,JA)在丛枝菌根(arbuscular mycorrhiza,AM)的形成以及植物对病原菌的抗性方面具有积极的作用。因此,该文旨在讨论茉莉酸介导的丛枝菌根诱导的植物抗病性可能机理,以期为抗病性应用提供尽可能多的理论支撑。首先,总结了茉莉酸与丛枝菌根的相关性;其次,对茉莉酸介导的丛枝菌根诱导的抗病性研究进展及可能机理做出归纳;最后,对未来的研究方向及方法进行了展望。
The symbiosis between arbuscular mcorrhizal (AM) fungi and majority of terrestrial plants can enhance host resist- ance to pathogens. As an important plant signal substance,jasmonic aid (JA) plays a crucial role in plant AM formation, posi- tively or negatively. In addition, JA itself is also involved in plant response to pathogens. Hence, we purpose to discuss the mechanism of Jasmonic acid - mediated disease resistance induced by arbuscular mycorrhiza. In this review, the study situation in the interaction between JA and AM was summarized. Then, the possible action mechanism by which AM and/or JA mediated plant response to pathogens was discussed,with an emphasis on the JA- mediated AM formation and resistance to pathogens. Finally ,we made a prospection in future studies in this field.