为了解退耕还林工程对黄土高原生态脆弱区米脂县综合效益的影响,采用生态经济分析法、问卷调查法、修正的Bossel定位理论方法,2009年10~11月,对米脂县退耕还林工程实施前后的生态、社会和经济效益进行评价。研究结果表明,(1)自1998~2009年,退耕造林地土壤有机质(0~20 cm)平均含量和土壤有机碳密度分别比临近(﹤30 m)的坡耕地高出0.478%和0.574 kg/m2;(2)退耕还林经济净效益主要体现在退耕造林后劳动力转移劳务创收。即:69%的被调查农户家庭纯收入上涨了2~5倍,56%被调查农户种植业纯收入上涨0~1倍,44.5%的农户劳务收入占了家庭纯收入的50%以上,36.6%农户劳务收入超过了家庭纯收入的10%~20%,87.5%农户的退耕补贴占家庭纯收入的10%以下;(3)退耕还林提高了社会整体协调性0.81。国家实施退耕还林工程以来,初步改善了区域生态环境,整体提高了农户经济收入,优化了经济收入结构,但农业产业结构调整空间潜力很大。
To understand the comprehensive benefits of the Grain for Green Project (GG Project) in MiZhi county of China ’ s northern Shaanxi Loess Plateau , by using an integrated approach of ecological economic analysis meth-od, questionnaire, and revised positioning theory raised by Bossel , the comprehensive benefits of this project was evaluated during 10~11 of 2009.The results showed that:1) In terms of ecological benefits , after the implemen-tation of GG Project from 1998 to 2009, the soil organic content (0~20 cm ) and soil organic carbon density (﹤30 m) increased by 0.478 % and 0.547 kg/m2 respectively; 2 ) In terms of economic benefits , it mainly contributed to providing more rural surplus labor for income generation . For sampled households , 69 % house-holds increased their net income 2~5 times, and the net income of 56%household fed by planting farmland rose by 0~1 times, and the 44.5 % households ’ labor income exceeded 50 % of their net income , 36.6 % house-holds’labor income exceeded 10 %~20 % of their net income, and subsidies from GG project accounted for 10 %of the net income of 87.5 % households; 3 ) The overall coordination functions of the society increased by 0.81.Since implementation of GG Project , regional ecological environment and the economic income of farmers have been improved and the structure of economic income has been optimized .