From the point of the ownership of the Chinese listed company, this paper firstly examines the real earriings management behavior of the state-owned company and non- state-owned company. Our result shows that state-owned company did significant more real earnings management than the non-state-owned company. This finding is reasonable since the highly concentrated ownership of the state-owned enterprise many intricate more serious problems of the benefit occupation of small shareholders, to conceal the controlling benefits, the managers or controlling shareholders of the state-owned enterprises may have strong in- centive to do more earnings management including real earnings management to mask true performance of company. On another hand, state-owned companies normally have low bank- ruptcy risk and the managers of Stat~owned enterprises are usually current or former govern- ment bureaucrats, their promotion and compensation are measured more by various political and social objectives than by operating and financial performance. Thus the managers of state- owned enterprises may less care of the negative effect on the operating performance if too more real earnings management has done. Based on the previous findingS, then we examines the relationship between corporate governance mechanism and real earnings management from the perspective of the nature of ownership. This study is focuses on Chinese capital market data which ranges from 2001 2010 and specifically to analyze how the independence of board of directors, the magnitude of cor- porate governance and the size of board influence the real earnings management of the manag- ers. The result firstly suggests that the board of size and the CG_index is negatively correla- ted with real earnings management hut the independent audit is not significantly correlated with real earnings management for the sample of the state-owned enterprises. The independ- ent audit has no significance on the real earnings management of the state-owned enterprise possibly due to the f