In order to study the excitation characteristic of the air gun, and provide the reference for the chosen site and construction of the air gun transmitting seismic station, we take the excitation test of air guns with various combi- nations at the Binchuan Transmitting Seismic Station (TSS). Analyzing the selected test data, we found the fol- lowing results : ( 1 ) The stacked air gun signals excited by the single gun for more than 100 times can be clearly recorded at the seismic station with an epicentral distance of 150 kin. (2) The frequencies of signals excited by single and four air guns are basically same, and their corresponding attenuations are basically similar, however the RMS amplitude of the signal excited by four air guns is about 4 time as much as that of single air gun. (3) When the SNR of signal exited by single gun reaches 10 dB, the correlation coefficient of it could reach a bove 0. 99. (4) The excitation efficiency ratio of signals excited by single gun and four guns is 1 : 4. The analy- sis result shows that the signal excited by single gun can be replaced by the combination signal excited by four guns in case of losing some efficiency.