The crowding phenomenon, which can damage the quality of the scenic spot environment and reduce the quality of tourists satisfaction of travel experience at the same time, has become a trouble situation of the scenic spot development. In recent years, the issue of crowding in scenic spot has attracted relative attention in tourism industry and some basic models of solving this problem have been put forward. In this study, the factors of influencing the perception of crowding have been divided into sit uational factors (including the feature of travel environment, the development and construction of scenic spot and feature of social situations), personal factors (including personally social and economic background, personality, motivation, expectation, preference, personal experience and the feature of tourists' usage), other individual factors (the number of encountering the perception, the similarity of perception and tourist behavior), other factors (adjustment behavior and investigation methods) and density based on the analysis of relative international and domestic literature. Furthermore, the theoretical model of the factors of influen cing the crowding perception has been established based on the expectation theory, social interference theory, stimulus overload theory, ecological theory and density of reinforcement theory. The future study and application for this model have been discussed as well, then provide suggestions to the scenic managers and tourists.