Considering the requirements of accuracy, real-timeness, robustness in scene matching/ inertial integrated navigation system,the scene matching algorithm {or inertial integrated navigation with high precision and high-speed based on binary robust invariant scalable keypoints (BRISK) is proposed. First, we set parameters of the BRISK detector and descriptor combined with the error characteristics of inertial navigation,extract BRISK features and calculate BRISK descriptors of the reference image and the real image. Then, BRISK descriptors are matched based on the nearest neighbor Hamming distance crite- rion. Finally, we adopt RANSAC and the least square algorithm (LSA) for getting aircraft position and course deviation. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm has wonderful performance with precision at sub-pixel level, real-timeness at millisecond level and the excellent ability of resistance to changes in illumination, noise, rotation and scale transformation.