利用2004~2005年Hi-CLIMB计划架设在藏南日喀则附近由28台宽频带数字地震仪组成的二维台阵的地震记录,应用双差层析定位方法(TomoDD)对454个区域地震进行了精确重定位,共确定了340个地震的精确位置.发现区域震源深度呈明显的双层分布,其中有21 个地震的深度在50~80 km之间,与该地区的莫霍面深度相近.通过不同深度震源的理论地震图与实际地震图对比的方法,发现震源位置位于莫霍面上下地震图的震相存在明显差异,从而给出了存在地幔地震的直接观测证据.这一发现,对长期争论的地幔地震是否存在及大陆岩石圈流变结构的“三明治”模型有重要参考意义.
We have relocated accurately 340 local earthquakes from an earthquake catalogue containing 454 local earthquakes using TomoDD method. The data for relocation came from a 2-D seismic array near Xigazê out of Hi-CLIMB project. This array contained 28 broad band seismometers and recorded continuous seismic data from 2004 to 2005. We found the earthquakes were relocated in two separate layers. One layer is near the Earth space, the other is near the Moho. Totally, 21 earthquakes have been relocated at depth of 50~80 km which was very near the Moho. In order to determine these deep earthquakes occurred in the upper mantle, we preformed the comparison between the real seismogram and the synthetic seismograms at different depth. We found that there was obvious difference between seismograms when the earthquake sources were above or beneath the Moho. As a result, we provided the direct evidence of the existence of mantle earthquake, which was very important for the controversy on the “sandwich” lithospheric rheology model.