With the increasing attention on the dark side of leadership, abusive supervision has become a prevalent topic of investiga- tion, as it has been linked to a variety of negative outcomes including follower injustice. Recent literature has suggested that power dis- tance moderates the link between abusive supervision and follower perceived justice such that the relationship is stronger for followers lower in power distance. However, the research has focused mostly on follower interactional justice, leaving the phenomenon of how a- busive supervision affects other types of justice uncharted. Researchers have not explored the underlying process through which power distance moderates the correlation of abusive supervision with follower justice. To tackle this problem, the current study contributes to the literature in two important ways. Using social exchange theory as an o- verarehing framework, we first introduce follower supervisor - directed overall justice to examine the moderating role of power distance between abusive supervision and follower justice, extending research that solely investigated interactional justice as outcome. Second, we provide leader - member exchange and test its mediated role between abusive supervision -- follower power distance interaction and follower supervisor - directed overall justice, disentangling the underlying mechanism that power distance moderates abusive supervision - follower justice association. In other words, we explore abusive supervision - follower justice relationship from the perspective of a u- nifying conceptual framework that combines mediating and moderating effects. We examined research questions using a sample of 296 interior designers from a large home furnishing company in China. Measures with adequate reliability and validity were used to capture key variables. Results of the confirmatory factor analysis showed satisfactory discriminant validity of the variables and precluded the common method bias. Consistent with the hypothesis, the results suggested the