There are different prevailing patterns of behavior in different societies. Domination-obedi- ence is the prevailing pattern of behavior in agricultural societies, while competition-coordination is the pre- vailing pattern of behavior in industrial societies. Since 1980s, some kind of post-industrial societies have been evolving with the development of globalization and post-industrialization, and cooperation is becoming its prevailing pattern of behavior. As to cooperation, there is a misunderstanding in the academia which identi- fies it with coordination. But to us, these two patterns lead to totally different sorts of social institutions and modes of governance. Our societies are undergoing fundamental changes in the process of globalization and post-industrialization, producing high complexity and high uncertainty in our lives, yet we still try to cope with them with old institutions and ways of governance, which has foiled and caused the perilous risk society. The right answer to these challenges is and must be institutional innovation, which can make room for cooperative action to resolve them.