通过制定灰度图像的逻辑或运算法则,提出一类灰度图像逻辑或运算CNN,它可以在两幅灰度图像的对应像素点上执行逻辑或运算。对GLOGOR CNN的模板进行顽健性分析,建立了一个定理,并给出严格的数学证明。只要模板参数满足定理中给出的参数不等式,CNN就能执行逻辑或运算的任务。数值模拟验证了GLOGOR CNN在应用中的有效性及顽健性设计定理的可行性。
A kind of gray-scale logic OR operation (GLOGOR) CNN was proposed by formulating the logic OR algorithms for gray-scale images. It could perform a pixel-wise logic OR operation on corresponding elements of two gray-scale images. A theorem was established to design the robustness template parameters of GLOGOR CNN, and a rigorous mathematical proof was given. The theorem provided parameter inequalities for determining parameter intervals to implement the corresponding tasks. The simulation results illustrate the effectiveness of the methodology.