A new class of generalized convex functions, namely the semistrict-G-E-semiprein- vex functions were proposed, which are a class of very important generalized convex functions and make a true generalization of both the semistrict-G-semipreinvex functions and the semis- trict-E-preinvex functions. Firstly, several examples were given to illustrate the existence of semistrict-G-E-semipreinvex functions and the dependence on the related generalized convex functions. Afterwards, the basic characteristics of the semistrict-G-E-semipreinvex functions were discussed. Finally, some applications of the semistrict-G-E-semipreinvex functions in non- linear progranmting problems without constraint and with inequality constraints were studied re- spectively, and some optimality results were obtained; moreover, some examples were given to illustrate the correctness of the obtained results.