Using the ten-day sunshine duration data of 107 meteorological stations in Henan Province from 1961 to 2012, spatial-temporal variation characteristics of ten-day sunshine duration were analyzed, and the scale invariance analysis of ten-day sunshine duration was studied by using the method of detrended fluctuation analysis. The results showed that the means of ten-day sunshine duration and its standardized error among stations were 57.90 and 9.18 h, respectively, and their probability distributions were not subject to normal distribution. The cumulative abnormal of sun- shine duration had a distinct linear increasing trend, however, its square deviation among the sta- tions was of phase characteristics. The scale index of ten-day sunshine of each station was above 0.5, indicated that time series of scale index was of permanence. Variation of scale index among sta- tions was small, which obeyed the normal distribution.