为了满足现代通信的要求,论文设计了一种新型圆形共面波导双陷波超宽带天线。天线采用共面波导馈电,实现了良好的超宽频带阻抗匹配。通过在圆形辐射贴片上加载两个C型缝隙,分别在WLAN频段和WiMAX频段处产生陷波,满足了电磁兼容的要求。通过对天线的理论计算结果、仿真结果和实测结果进行比较,吻合较好,通带内天线的回波损耗在-10 dB以下,方向图基本一致,辐射效果良好;阻带内天线增益下降分别为3.2 dB和7.5 dB,实现了较好的陷波抑制辐射作用。
A novel CPW- fed circular disc ultra -wideband antenna with dual band -notched characteristics, which can meet the demand of communication of the day is designed in this paper. With the antenna fed by CPW, good ultra -wideband impedance match can be range of WLAN and WiMAX, two C - shaped achieved. Meanwhile, to obtain the notched bands at the frequency slots are embedded into the radiating patch, then, electromagnetic compatibility is achieved. Through comparison, the theoretical, simulated and measured results are coincident, which shows that the antenna has a good radiating characteristic with the return loss under - 10 dB and the radiation patterns matching within the transmission band. The gains of the antenna within the notched bands have been reduced separately by 3.2 dB and 7.5 dB, thus effectively reducing the radiation.