Based on a comparison of the sampling data between 1988 and 2006 obtained from Parashorea forest in Bubeng, Xishuangbanna in southwest of China, the changes in the structure, species composition, life form, plant abundance and species diversity of the forest in the past 20 years were analyzed. Parashorea chinensis was still the most dominant species in the forest. The species number and individuals of young trees, shrubs and lianas increased obviously, but herbs and epiphytes were found decreasing. Both the species number and individuals of trees in the sampling plots in 2006 increased compared to those in the plots in 1988, but the Simpson's and Pielous indiees were found no inerease. The changes in the tree species dominance were obvious. Some speeies deelined in their abundance, while some increased. In two plots of 1988, 50% and 40% of tree species were replaeed by new migrants respeetively, whieh were caused mainly by the inereasing disturbances, ineluding human aetivities.