Taking county as a study unit, all counties hilly countries and mountainous countries according are divided into three classifications which are plain counties, to landform shape in Henan province. Using mathematical statistical analysis and spatial analysis methods, taking economic density as a variable indicator to measure regional economic development, the level and the evolution trend of disparity of country level economic density are analyzed inside and outside the landform area, the spatial pattern and evolution characteristics of county level economic density are also discussed. Results showed that with the growth of regional economic density in Henan, regional differences of economic density among counties are also growing, especially in the landform areas and that contributes great to total disparity; the differences among Landform areas are relatively weak and present a decreasing tendency. In spatial perspective, a depressed trend of economic density has been presented from the middle hilly counties around Zhengzhou to the eastern plains and western mountainous areas, the economic density of the counties that near the central cities is relatively higher, which are possibly caused by location condition, industrial scale, industrial structure and land investment in different counties and so on.