Locality sensitive discriminant analysis (LSDA) can only deal with vector data, and it is often confronted with singularity problem when dealing with image data. To overcome the limit of LSDA, a method called two-dimensional LSDA (2DLSDA) for image recognition was proposed. 2DLSDA is based directly on 2D image matrices and thus can overcome the singularity problem and utilize the spatial information among pixels more effectively. Firstly, two graphs representing inner-class neighbor relationship and inter-class neighbor relationship respectively were constructed; then, weight matrixes were calculated; finally, two orthogonal transform matrixes were computed based on Schur decomposition. Two unilateral 2DLSDA methods were proposed based on the unfolding way of image matrices. Results of experiments on ORL and Yale datasets demonstrated that the proposed method can obtain the orthogonal transformation matrices efficien discriminant ana tly, and can achieve better performance than principal component analysis (PCA), linear lysis (LDA) and LSDA.