How to decrease the effective volume loss of salt cavern gas storages during their operation period to increase their service life is the concerned problem of operation and management departments. The influence of formation parameters, design parameters and operation parameters on cavern shrinkage risk of salt cavern gas storages was analyzed from the macroscopic angle. The inductive seven factors were analyzed and forecasted aiming at their effects on volume shrinkage of salt cavem gas storages. Then, the single-parameter sensitivity analysis method was used to calculate the seven factors' sensitivity coefficients to volume shrinkage ratio. Finally, a new method of forecasting the cavern's volume shrinkage ratio was put forward based on the factors' sensitivity coefficient when the operation parameters were changed. The following conclusions are drawn. Besides the creep parameters of salt rock, the running mode of neighboring caverns, low pressure runtime in a cycle period and ratio of height to diameter of cavern are the sensitive factors for cavern shrinkage risk. Therefore, the cavern shrinkage can be decreased effectively by injecting and producing simultaneously with neighboring cavems, reducing low pressure runtime and controlling the cavern shape during construction and operation periods.