Objective:To determine the abnormal methylation profile of promoter CpG island of the three oncogenes, DAPK1 ,bcl 2, and hTERT, in the urine sediments of Shanghai bladder cancer patients and evaluate the application foreground of this method. Methods: Methylation specific polymerase chain reaction method (MSP) was used to analyze the methylation state of promoter CpG islands of the three genes in a bladder cancer cohort (46 cases) and the non bladder cancer control (84 cases). Reversed transcriptase polymerase chain reaction method was used to quantify the expression of DAPK1 gene in each of the three bladder cancer cell lines. Results: Hypermethyla tion state of promoter CpG islands of DAPK1 genes was related with the silenced state of gene transcription at mRNA level. DNA methy lation analysis showed that the three genes were in unmethylated status in the control cohort and only promoter CpG island of bcl 9 gene was hypermethylated in 13 cases out of 46 (28. 3%) bladder cancer patients. Conclusion: The hypermethylated bcl-2 gene in the urine sediments of American bladder cancer patients only have the limited value in Shanghai bladder cancer patients. It is necessary to search for the new targets of DNA hypermethylation in Shanghai bladder cancer patients.