应用消息传递接口函数库(MPI)并行程序设计技术开发了中尺度暴雨数值预报模式AREM(Advanced Regional Eta-coordinate Model)的并行版本,并在3种计算机系统平台下进行了加速比测试,结果显示出较高的并行效率和较好的可扩展性。建立并行版本后,模式高分辨率版本能够满足时效性要求。通过采用并行模式的高低分辨率版本对一个暴雨个例进行模拟表明,高分辨并行版本的模拟结果与观测更为接近,并具有较好的预报时效性。
Based on the Message Passing Interface (MPI) technique, a parallel version of the Advanced RegionalEta-coordinate Model (AREM) has been developed. Tests with the parallel speedup on this version on three tunas of computer systems show its high parallel performance and good scalability. Simulations of a rainstorm case using the parallel version of AREM with different horizontal resolutions indicate that the precipitation from the high-resolution version is closer to the observation than that from the low-resolution version. The parallel version of AREM can finish a 24-h prediction in a reasonable time.