利用1981-2002年OAFlux逐月海气潜热通量资料,探讨了与ENSO冷暖事件相对应的全球海气潜热通量的时空演变特征。结果表明,与ENSO冷暖事件相对应的赤道中、东太平洋地区特别是Nino3区的海气潜热通量差异最为显著,且这种差异全年都存在,而其他海区潜热通量差异的季节变化比较显著;更值得注意的是,文章还发现与ENSO冷暖事件相对应的海气潜热通量“东南太平洋异常型”的存在,该异常型出现于东南太平洋地区,在夏季最为明显,其正负异常中心呈南北向,由赤道东太平洋地区向南伸展到东南太平洋中高纬一带。此外,结合逐月合成分析和个例分析对海气潜热通量“东南太平洋异常型”作了进一步的研究,发现海气潜热通量“东南太平洋异常型”在ENSO冷暖事件中具有明显的季节变化和年际变化特征,其逐月演变过程明显,并且其强度和范围在不同的El Nino事件和La Nina事件中均有所不同。
The characteristics of global air-sea latent heat flux (LHF) corresponding to the cold and warm ENSO events are investigated using the OAFlux (Objectively Analyzed air-sea Fluxes) LHF monthly mean data from 1981 to 2002. The results are as follows. (1) The largest differences of the LHF between cold and warm ENSO events appeared over the middle and east equatorial Pacific region, which were quite persistent and last all year round; while in the other regions, these differences exhibited significant seasonal features. (2) There existed a wave-like anomaly pattern of air-sea LHF over the southeast Pacific region during the summer of ENSO events. This Southeast Pacific Anomaly Pattern (SOPAP) stretched southward from the east equatorial Pacific region to the middle latitude of the southeast Pacific. (3) Moreover, the SOPAP of air-sea LHF exhibited obvious seasonal and interannual variability features.