介绍了分布式医学影像分析与处理平台DMIP(Distributing Medical Imaging Analyzing and Processing Platform)的设计以及在此基础上开发的数字医疗软件。DMIP采用分布式数据存储技术以及面向对象和基于构件的软件工程技术,在可视化开发包VTK的基础上,融合了数据缓存技术、线程池技术和交互器理论等内容,从而降低网络负荷,提高访问速度;开发了包含大量医学影像分析与处理功能的C++类库和构件库,以便再次开发。通过数字医疗软件的应用实例展示了DMIP的功能,与同类产品比较效果显著。
In order to reduce the load of network,increase the visit speed of image-data,this paper introduces the design of distributing medical imaging analyzing and processing platform,and software which developed based-on this platform.This platform adopts technology of distributing data memory,Object-Oriented and CBSE,based on VTK,fuses data cache,thread pool and interacting theory,develops many C++ class and component libraries which contain function of medical imaging analyzing and processing,easy to further development.This paper displays function of DMIP by software, and controlled with other products.