To solve the data persistence problem in the management system, this paper used the popular object-relational mapping framework Hibernate to achieve the persistence layer which in a medicines inventory management system. This paper described the advantages and principles of the Hibernate, and then showed the written work of the configuration files, mapping files, persistent classes, etc. Finally, the paper showed how to display the specific data information in the TableViewer based on the Eclipse RCP framework. It is observed that, operating the objects in the Hibernate framework is more flexible and efficient than using JDBC directly. Ad in addition, the application based on Eclipse RCP framework can take over many excellent features of Eclipse, and the developers can improve their efficiency by these features.
To solve the data persistence problem in the management system, this paper used the popular object-relational mapping framework Hibernate to achieve the persistence layer which in a medicines inventory management system. This paper described the advantages and principles of the Hibernate, and then showed the written work of the configuration files, mapping files, persistent classes, etc. Finally, the paper showed how to display the specific data information in the TableViewer based on the Eclipse RCP framework. It is observed that, operating the objects in the Hibernate framework is more flexible and efficient than using JDBC directly. Ad in addition, the application based on Eclipse RCP framework can take over many excellent features of Eclipse, and the developers can improve their efficiency by these features.