本文提出了一种高效的多目标数据关联算法AC-GADA(Ant Colony-Genetic Algorithm Data Association),该算法以蚁群、遗传算法为基础,利用种群差异性使个体携带信息素,构建了全局信息素扩散模型,并引入了交叉变异策略和种群适应度模型.通过大量的实验数据证明,该算法在获得较高关联准确率的同时可以有效地提高关联速度.
For the application of multi-sensor multi-target tracking,a method of data association based on ant colony algorithm and genetic algorithm is proposed in this study.First,this method definites pheromone differently for each independent ant entity.Then,improved global pheromone increment model,and combined crossover and variation operation with fitness model of population.The experimental results of actual data demonstrate the presented algorithm is effective.