Previous studies on polymer-bonded Terfenol-D composites indicated that applying a static magnetic field along the longitudinal direction of the composites during its curing period could align the particulates into chain-like structures, thereby creating the pseudo 1-3 structure, which has been proved effective to improve its magnetostriction. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the effects of particles alignment on the other properties of the composites. Therefore, both 0-3 type (without particles alignment) and pseudo-1 3 type (with particles alignment) epoxy-bonded Terfenol-D composites with 50% particles volume fraction were fabricated in this paper. Besides static magnetostriction, other properties including dynamic magnetostriction, dynamic relative permeability, dependence of electrical impedance on frequency, two Young's moduli (E33^H and E33^B). and magnetomechanical coupling coefficient are studied. Experimental results indicate that, compared to 0-3 type, pseudo-1-3 type magnetostrictive composite exhibits more excellent static and dynamic magnetostricton, slightly larger Young's moduli, and smaller magnetomeehanical coupling coefficient.