介绍了实验超导托卡马克(EAST)装置上束发射光谱(BES)诊断的研制工作和初步实验结果。本诊断探测器采用的是有128道探测通道的S8550APD相机,以水平方向16道极向8道的矩形方式排列。通过一套中心波长为659.33 nm,半高宽为1.59 nm的带通三腔干涉滤波片将信号从背景Dα谱线和C杂质辐射中提取出来。本系统以2 MHz的时间分辨率和1~3 cm的空间分辨率在等离子体小截面上获取一个长宽分别为20 cm和10 cm的等离子体的密度涨落二维分布。通过改变诊断系统的观察角,可以获取从芯部到边界等离子体的整个小截面的二维密度涨落分布。本论文还给出了该诊断系统关键部件滤波片的测试结果和最近一轮EAST放电实验中测得的等离子体密度涨落在低约束模——高约束模转换中的变化,验证了EAST托卡马克上的BES诊断系统研制的成功。
The testplatform was developed,dedicated to beam emission spectroscopy( BES) diagnosis of plasma in Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak( EAST) injected with neutron beam. BES mainly consisted of 128-channel avalanche photo diode camera( APD),horizontally aligned in a 16 × 8 array,three-cavity-interference filter at 659. 33 nm center-frequency and with 1. 59 nm bandwidth for elimination of Dαinterference and carbon impurities radiation,and the digital control unit. Though evaluating the plasma in one columnar section( 10 cm long and 20 cm in diameter) at a time,BES was capable of diagnosing the plasma density fluctuation,at 2MHz sampling rate and 1 ~ 3 cm resolution,of all the columnar sectionfrom the core to the low-field edge of EAST by rotating the beam splitting lens. The novel BES,installed at EAST,was recently tested; and the preliminary results show that fairly large plasma density fluctuations existed in the low/high confinement modes transition.