Mining frequent itemsets is the core of mining association roles, which directly affects the efficiency of generating frequent iterasets. Eclat algorithm exists issues of insufficient memory and computing resource when mining frequent itemset of massive data. The DiiEclat algorithm is proposed for mining frequent itemsets through distributed inverted index. Inverted index is equal to the vertical distribution of the data,and according to the number of different transactions inverted index will be distributed on different index nodes,each node calculates the intersection of transactions on itself, the results of the intersection merged by the retrieval agent. The execution time of DiiEclat,Eclat,Diffset and Eclat_opt is compared in four datasets such as chess,mushroom ,T40110D100K and TI014D100K. The experimental results show that DiiEclat is given to improve efficiency of intersection operation through the vertical division of the transaction sets and parallel computing, and it is efficient and scalable.