In the past several decades, quantum phase transition and the associated fluctuations have emerged as a major challenge to our understanding of condensed matter. Such transition is tuned by an external parameter such as pressure,chemical doping or magnetic field. The transition point, called quantum critical point(QCP), is only present at absolute zero temperature(T), but its influence(quantum criticality) is spread to nonzero temperature region. Quite often,new stable orders of matter, such as superconductivity, emerge around the QCP, whose relationship to the quantum fluctuations is one of the most important issues.Iron-pnictide superconductors are the second class of high-temperature-superconductor family whose phase diagram is very similar to the first class, the copper-oxides. Superconductivity emerges in the vicinity of exotic orders, such as antiferromagnetic, structural or nematic order. Therefore, iron-pnictides provide us a very good opportunity to study quantum criticality. Here we review nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR) study on the coexistence of states and quantum critical phenomena in both hole-doped system Ba1-xKxFe2As2 as well as electron-doped systems BaFe2-xNixAs2 and La Fe As O1-xFx. Firstly, we found that the 75 As NMR spectra split or are broadened for H//c-axis, and shift to a higher frequency for H//ab-plane below a certain temperature in the underdoped region of both hole-doped Ba1-xKxFe2As2 and electron-doped BaFe2-xNixAs2, which indicate that an internal magnetic field develops along the c-axis due to an antiferromagnetic order. Upon further cooling, the spin-lattice relaxation rate 1/T1 measured at the shifted peak shows a distinct decrease below the superconducting critical temperature Tc. These results show unambiguously that the antiferromagnetic order and superconductivity coexist microscopically, which is the essential condition for a magnetic QCP. Moreover, the much weaker T-dependence of 1/T1 in the superconducting state compared with the optimal doping sample sug