提出一种基于智能单粒子(intelligent particle optimizer,IPO)的改进型联合代数重建算法(simuhaneous algebraic reconstruction technique,SART).为提高重建图像质量,引入松弛矩阵概念,利用智能单粒子算法搜索每一像素特有的最优松弛因子,增强重建算法对图像局部特性的针对性.仿真结果表明,采用IPO-SART算法获得的重建图像质量较传统SART算法更佳.
An improved simultaneous algebraic reconstruction technique (SART) based on intelligent particle optimizer (IPO) was presented. Relaxation factor matrix ( RFM), i.e. a group of unique relaxation factors for each pixel in the reconstructed image, was introduced to improve the quality of the reconstructed image. The newly pro- posed IPO-SART searched the optimal RFM by IPO to enhance the pertinence of the arithmetic to local areas of re- constructed images. Compared with the traditional SART, the simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm in improving the quality of reconstructed images.